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Course Duration
30 Days
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One to One
+91 9912238308
PHP Online Training
PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is popular as a general-purpose scripting language that can be used to develop dynamic and interactive web applications. It was among the first server-side languages that could be embedded into HTML, making it easier to add functionality to web pages without requiring to call external files for data. Advantages of using PHP supports like MySQL, Oracle, Sybase etc. It is suitable with servers like Apache, IIS, etc. It runs on all platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac etc. Using PHP to create a website is very easy because of the inbuilt functions. Syntax of this language is very simple. Easy to learn.
e-Trainings Online Training Center is best institute for learning PHP language in Hyderabad, India. Trainers who provide training for PHP in e-Trainings have much experience in PHP language, and also they share their experience as possible to their students, which helps students in their career.
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- PHP Basics
- Installing Required Software
- Installing Xampp Server
- Trouble shooting installation errors
- PHP Introduction
- Introduction of PHP
- Benefits with PHP
- Introduction Websites
- About is Static and Dynamic Websites
- Current market trends and PHP career
- PHP Syntax
- Running first PHP program in Server
- PHP variables
- Basic guidelines for defining variables
- Defining constants
- Embedding PHP in html pages
- Datatypes in PHP
- PHP Operators:
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Incrementing/Decrementing Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- PHP Conditional Statements
- If Statement
- Else Statement
- Else if Statement
- Switch statement
- PHP Loops
- For loop
- While loop
- Do While loop
- For-each loop
- PHP Arrays
- Types of PHP Arrays
- Single Arrays
- Associative Arrays
- Multi-Dimensional arrays
- Implode/explode
- PHP Functions
- Built-in array functions
- String functions
- PHP user defined functions
- Global keyword
Module-2: HTML
- Basics of HTML
- Working HTML Form elements
- Working with Forms
- Creating Login Form
- Creating Registration Form
- Super global variables in PHP
- $_GET
- $_POST
- $_ENV
- PHP and HTML
- Login module using
- Signup module
- Using FILE uploading in PHP
- Uploaded File attributes
- Saving uploading files in a specific folder
- Working with server-side includes
- Include
- Require/require_once
- header function
- PHP Sessions
- Introduction of Sessions
- Creating sessions and Session variables
- Reading session variables
- Deleting session variable and Destroying sessions
- Implementing sessions in login module
- PHP Cookies
- Creating cookies
- Setting time to Cookie
- Retrieving cookie data
- Realtime usage of cookies
- File functions
- Reading and Writing various types of files
- File Modes
- File attributes
- Managing files with file system commands
- Other Useful functions
- Date & Time functions
- Mail function
Module-3: MYSQL
- Introduction of DBMS
- Introduction of RDBMS, Tables, Records, Fields
- Introduction of SQL Language
- Types of SQL Queries
- DDL Queries
- Creating Database
- Creating Tables
- Alter
- Drop
- DML Queries
- Select statement
- Inserting statement
- Update statement
- Delete statement
- SQL Clauses
- Where
- Order by
- Group by
- Primary and foreign-keys
- DCL Queries
- Grant and Revoke permissions
- Using Operators
- Joining Tables
- Using sub Queries
- SQL aggregate functions
- Working with PHP My Admin
- Backing up database and restoring
- PHP MYSQL Live Examples
- Creating user login form using Database
- Creating Registration form using Database
- Working experience on Website project
- User Registration
- Using Login Authentication
- Search, Insert , Update & Delete Users & Data
- Content management using admin module
- Live examples:
- HTML5-JQuery-Ajax-PHP-Mysql User Authentication Module
- And some database driven programs
- Embeding jQuery plugin in a site
- HTML5 webform controls
- Course material provided.
Advanced PHP Course Topics
Module-1: OOPs
- Basics of Class
- Declaring Class and Initializing Class Object
- Define Attributes for Class
- Define Methods for the Class
- Defining Class Constants
- Constructors and Destructors
- Constructors
- Destructor
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Function Overriding
- Parent Keyword
- Static Keyword
- Abstract Class
- Interface Class
PHP Course Details
- Course Title : PHP Online Training.
- Duration : 35 Hours.
- Training : Normal, Fast Track and Weekends Classes.
- Training Type : Online. Realtime.
- Course contents : Download.
- Contact : +91 9912238308.
PHP Training for Master's Engineering Students,Beginners and Professionals.
Other related Courses & Services
- Assignment/Labwork help provided for academic students.